Your Tours with
Symphony Tours
Symphony Tours
Since 1991
Your Partner In Excellence
Symphony Tours
Since 1991
Your Partner In Excellence
Since 1991
Symphony Tours is a licensed Travel and Services Organization established in Spain since 1991, with a Worldwide Coverage of Activities.
We are highly specialized in the organization of tours for Musicians, Large Classical Orchestras, Ballets, Opera Companies, and others, as well as in taking these groups, whatever size, from any origin to any destination in the world.
We also master the field of air transport facilities for students, providing services from and to Spain as well as between any two countries worldwide.
Our organization is managed by experienced travel industry University Graduates and our staff is highly professional and well trained to handle such delicate and most demanding tasks.
Artistic enterprises, Large International Orchestras, Groups of Famous Artists as well as Individual Artists regularly entrust our company to provide them with our range of services for their tours and/or trips. Upon request we will provide the necessary contacts to obtain references on our company.
Whatever the requirements might be for Worldwide Arrangements:
Our organization will provide precise, reliable and most price-worthy quotations at any time of the year.
Many years of experience have taught us to deal with, and if ever possible, to solve all difficulties and unforseen events that might arise in the organization and carrying out of tours for large groups and even for individual trips.
The importance of our worldwide air travel movements has led us to acquire great professionalism and experience in the arrangement of transport for groups of any magnitude, allowing us at the same time to access to the best quotations of fares and conditions offered by the air carriers of different markets.
These advantages have allowed us to also specialize in the provision of air travel at THE LOWEST TARIFFS, for students from and to Spain, as well as for students travelling between any two countries in the world.
Language Study Institutes in Spain and other countries including Touristic Educational Travel Organizations, entrust us year after year, to provide them with air transport facilities required for the travel of their students, to the different educational centers or to the starting points of their educational tours, including the respective returns to origins.
+34 91 527 25 28
Monday - Friday: 09:00hs to 14:00hs
From 15hs to 18hs you can contact us on our mobile phone numbers.
In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the URL (hereinafter the PORTAL) is a domain owned by SYMPHONY TOURS, SL (hereinafter the ENTITY), residing at PASEO DE LAS DELICIAS, 20 - 2C 28045 MADRID, with C.I.F. no. B78700176. The entity is duly registered in the Commercial Register of MADRID, Volume 778, Book, Folio 174-179, Sheet M15915, Inscription 1a and 2a.
All trademarks, trade names or logos of any kind that appear on the PORTAL are owned by the COMPANY or third parties, without being understood that the use or access to the site and/or services, gives the user any right over such trademarks, trade names and/or logos.
Also, the contents published on the website, graphic design, images, databases and source code are the intellectual property of the COMPANY or third parties, without being transferred to the user, under the provisions of this Legal Notice, any of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist on such content beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the PORTAL and the services provided through it.
We remind you that in the event that you are a natural person acting for purposes unrelated to your commercial or business activities, your trade or profession, you can go to the online dispute resolution platform that you can find at the following link:
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the users. Simple access to the PORTAL does not imply any commercial relationship between the COMPANY and the user. By accessing it you agree to the following terms and conditions.
You agree to the following terms and conditions.
You can contact us through the email address
These General Conditions of use of the services offered at the URL (hereinafter the PORTAL) are subscribed, by the owner of the domain, SYMPHONY TOURS, SL whose contact e-mail address is
Users are considered to be natural persons with the capacity to enter into a contract in accordance with the applicable law.
You may not use the Website and you may not agree to the Terms if:
you are not of legal age and are unable to form a legally binding contract, or
does not qualify as a USER as set forth above
2. PERFECTION OF THE clicking on the accept Conditions button, when offered this option in the user interface; or by actually using the website. You acknowledge and agree that your use of the WEBSITE shall be deemed acceptance of the Terms.
The USER is advised to read these conditions carefully. You may save them or print them if you wish.
3. Scope of application. These general conditions shall be applicable to all services/products included in the website
The following documents are deemed to be incorporated into these Terms and Conditions by reference from these Terms and Conditions:
Legal Notice
Privacy Policy
4. The PORTAL presents services open to the entire public that visits it, and restricted services, of exclusive access for current or later Registered USERS. The use of the services offered on the website is subject to prior acceptance and compliance with the Conditions by the USER. The quality of Registered USER in your case is acquired by completing the Registration Form hosted on the site. The data collected therein will be part of the database of the COMPANY, which will use them as described in the Privacy Policy. The use of the services offered on the site is free except where appropriate, in the services with cost whose detail will be reflected; in the “Particular Conditions of Contracting ”.
Personal data provided through the PORTAL will be processed by the COMPANY for the purposes described in the conditions contained in the Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into these Terms of Use by reference from this section. 6. COOKIES POLICY:
Personal data collected through cookies will be processed by SYMPHONY TOURS, SL in the terms indicated in its Cookies Policy, which is incorporated into these General Conditions by reference from this section.
The right of withdrawal, regulated in the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, as amended by Law 3/2004 of March 27, is the power of the consumer and user to cancel the contract concluded, notifying the other contracting party within the period established for the exercise of that right, without having to justify their decision and without penalty of any kind.
The consumer of SYMPHONY TOURS, SL has a period of 14 calendar days to exercise this right of withdrawal, counting from the receipt of the product, addressing to the address, postal or electronic, indicated above, stating unequivocally that you wish to exercise this right. You can use the following model request form:
“I hereby communicate my decision to exercise my right of withdrawal from the purchase of the product _______________.
First and last name of the consumer _____________________
Consumer's address (if the company will be picking up the product) ___________________________________
order number ______________
Purchase date _________________
Date of product receipt _______________
Account number _________________ At ____, on ___, __________ of __________ _____”
The consumer must return the product to the postal address indicated in paragraph one of these Terms and Conditions of Use, postage-due, within a maximum period of 14 days from the day following the day on which it communicates to SYMPHONY TOURS, SL its decision to return. SYMPHONY TOURS, SL; reimburse; the consumer shipping costs borne by the consumer, within 14 days from the communication of the consumer, unless the consumer returns a used product, without its original packaging or in any way damaged (except for the use made as evidence to make a decision on its final purchase). In which case, SYMPHONY TOURS, SL reserves the right to claim compensation. SYMPHONY TOURS, SL may withhold reimbursement until receipt of the product or until it has proof of return. SYMPHONY TOURS, SL will not be responsible for any loss or destruction of the product attributable to the consumer. In these cases, the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer will be denied.
The prices shown in your case, it is detailed in the “Special Conditions of Contractón” whether or not they include VAT, the complete payment process and the complete conditions for contracting products or services.
The services provided by the portal for the generality of the users are free and merely informative, so they do not require any action for their cessation, only the mere will of the user not to visit the PORTAL.
For restricted access services, if any, the right of cancellation must be exercised to stop being part of the files of the COMPANY, following the procedure described in the Privacy Policy.
8.1. From the portal:
The quality of the service, since they are provided “as is” and the COMPANY does not grant any guarantee
Damage may be caused to the user's equipment by the use of the portal.
The vices and defects of any kind of the contents transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.
The COMPANY is responsible for changes in the prices of the products/services it offers and for notifying users/customers in the shortest possible time by personal communication or by updating the contents on the PORTAL.
8.2. The user/customer shall beá responsible:
For the data and information entered and sent to the ENTITY in the available forms.
• From the performance of any type of illegal, harmful, harmful and/or prejudicial action.
The entirety of this website: text, images, trademarks, graphics, logos, logos, buttons, software files, colour combinations, structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, object codes and source; are the property of the COMPANY or third parties, being prohibited its reproduction, distribution, distribution, distribution and use; n, distribution, public communication and transformation, except for personal and private use, and the USER must respect the provisions of the Legal Notice contained in the PORTAL, which is incorporated into these Conditions by reference from this section.
Minors must request and obtain permission from their parents, guardian or legal representative before being able to access the content hosted on the PORTAL. Access to and use of the portal by unauthorized minors is prohibited. The COMPANY reminds users of legal age who are responsible for minors, that it is their sole responsibility to determine what services and/or content are appropriate for the latter, and informs them about the existence of software to limit the navigation, by filtering or blocking certain content.
13. FUERO:
These terms and conditions are written in Spanish and are subject to current Spanish law. For any type of controversy derived from the use of the services offered or the contents of the portal, the parties, with the acceptance of these Conditions, submit themselves to the competent Courts and Tribunals of the country where SYMPHONY TOYOTA is located; s where SYMPHONY TOURS, SL has its registered office (except for its conflict of law provisions), expressly excluding the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. If you are a consumer and have your habitual residence in the European Union, you will also be protected by any mandatory provisions of the law of your country of residence. We both agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts, which means that you may assert your rights as a consumer in relation to these Terms of Use both in Spain and in your Member State of residence in the European Union
We remind you that in case you are a natural person acting outside your trade or business activities, your trade or profession, you can turn to the online dispute resolution platform that you can find at the following link:
If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect. The titles of the sections should be understood for reference purposes only, and in no way define, limit, interpret or describe the scope or extent of the corresponding section.
4.4. Guide for the preparation and incorporation of the Special Conditions of Contract (where necessary)
The Law ensures the validity and effectiveness of contracts entered electronically, even if they are not on paper. The electronic form is equated to the written form and the effectiveness of electronic documents as evidence before the Courts are reinforced, and they are also admissible in court as documentary evidence.
All types of contracts can be concluded electronically, except those relating to family and inheritance law, e.g. adoptions, marriage or wills. If the contracts must be followed by the fulfilment of certain formal requirements, such as its elevation to a public deed or its inscription in some registry, these requirements will still be required for the contract to be fully valid or effective.
The information society service provider that carries out an e-procurement process will have, in short, the following obligations:
1) Before initiating the contracting procedure, it shall make available to the user, by means of techniques appropriate to the means of communication used, in a permanent, easy and free manner, clear, comprehensible and unambiguous information about:
The steps you must take to enter into the contract.
Whether you will file the electronic document of the contract and if it will be accessible.
The technical means you have at your disposal to identify and correct the
The technical means you have available to identify and correct the
errors in data entry, before confirming them.
The language(s) in which the contract may be concluded.
The general conditions of the contract, if any, govern the contract.
The general conditions of the contract, if any, govern the contract.
The particular conditions of contract, which, if any, govern the contract.
The particular conditions of contract, which, if any, govern the contract. Contract. The obligation to make available the above information shall be deemed fulfilled if the provider includes it on its page or website. When the services are accessed through devices that have small-format screens, the obligation shall be deemed fulfilled if the Internet address where such information can be found is provided. 2) Once the contract has been concluded, the provider must:• confirm receipt of the acceptance, either by means of an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail or other means of communication; Confirm receipt of the acceptance, either by an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail or other equivalent means of communication, or by an equivalent means of communication to that used in the procedure for the acceptance, either by an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail or other equivalent means of communication, or by an equivalent means of communication to that used in the procedure for the acceptance, either by an acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail or other equivalent means of communication, or by an equivalent means of communication to that used in the procedure for the acceptance.
contracting. The above obligations are exempted in two cases:
When there was an agreement between the parties in this regard and none of them had the status of consumer, and
When the contract has been concluded exclusively by means of the exchange of electronic mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication. As for the particular conditions of contracting, its inclusion in the web portal is not mandatory in all cases but there are many occasions where the offer or sale of a particular product or service does not require special conditions different from the offer or sale of other products or services in the same portal.
The inclusion of special conditions is intended to delimit the different conditions of supply or sale of a particular product or service or range of products or services to differentiate it from others or to delimit the General Conditions provided. Therefore, in case of existence or need of particular conditions it is recommended to do the following:
Inclusion of the General Conditions prior to the conclusion of the online contract.
Followed by the inclusion of a section expressing “Special Conditions” and including at least these terms or sections:
o Object of the contract and therefore of said particular conditions (the product or service)
or Necessity of acceptance of the particular conditions by the customer.
or Description of the product or service to be contracted with all the characteristics and limitations if any in a clear way.
Description of the product or service to be contracted with all the characteristics and limitations if any in a clear way. or Establish prerequisites for particular hiring if the there
Clearly establish warranty periods if any and who is responsible for such warranty, the portal or the manufacturer.
or State in which cases service interruption may occur (if applicable) as well as a liability regime between the portal and the individual. Cases where the interruption is attributable to the individual and cases where the interruption is attributable to the portal.
or Establish whether the delivery of a deposit or guarantee deposit is required from the individual when contracting the product or service.
or Clearly establish delivery periods if any.
o State clear prices and indicate whether or not they include mandatory taxes (generally VAT if intended for individuals).
o State clear prices and indicate whether or not they include mandatory taxes (generally VAT if intended for individuals).
or Establish the means of payment accepted. o Duration of the Contract and Termination of the Contract.
or In case of renewal of the service on a temporary basis from time to time, it shall be clearly stated in such particular conditions. or Dispute resolution.
4.6. Guide
The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has recently revised and updated its “Guide on the use of cookies” published in November 2019, following clarifications made by the European Committee for the Protection of Personal Data; European Data Protection Supervisor (ECDC), on the conditionality of consent and unambiguous consent, in its Guidelines 05/2020 on consent under the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), adopted on May 4, 2020.
The ECDC, in its review of the Guidelines 05/2020 on consent considers that:
• The option to “continue browsing” does not under any circumstances constitute a valid way of giving unequivocal consent, as it is difficult to distinguish this action from other activities or interactions of the user.
• No “cookie walls” (limiting access to certain services or content only to users who accept the use of cookies) can be used without an alternative to consent. The “cookie walls” option is not a válida way to provide free consent.
The new criteria of the AEPD in this update of the Guideline on the use of cookies should be implemented by October 31 of this year at the latest.
Scope of the AEPD Guideline on the use of cookies
Article 22 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on information society services and electronic commerce (hereinafter, LSSI) refers to the use of cookies and technologies that allow the use of cookies; The use of cookies and similar technologies used, such as local shared objects or flash cookies, web beacons or bugs, fingerprinting techniques, etc. (hereinafter cookies), to store and retrieve data from terminal equipment (computer, mobile phone or tablet) of a person (natural or legal) using (professionally or personally) an information society service.
For the purposes of this Guide, we should understand that online unique identifiers (Internet protocol addresses, session identifiers, advertising identifiers, radio frequency identification tags, etc.) are considered personal data.
Excepted from the obligations imposed by art. 22 LSSI are cookies used for:
Enable únly communication between the user's equipment and the network
Strictly, to provide a service expressly requested by the user
Examples of exempted cookies:
Session and user-input cookies (online forms on multiple pages, shopping cart, etc.)
User authentication or identification cookies (session cookies only)
User security cookies (cookies used to detect erroneous attempts and repeated attempts to connect to a website)
Media player session cookies
Session cookies for load balancing
User interface customization cookies
Specific plug-in cookies for exchanging content social (only if users have decided to keep the session open)
In these cases, for the treatment of excepted cookies, it will not be necessary to inform the user of the use of these cookies or obtain their consent.
However, it is recommended, for reasons of transparency, although not mandatory, to inform users of the use of this type of cookies (hereinafter technical cookies).
To avoid multi-purpose cookies, it is recommended to use a different cookie for each purpose. Otherwise, it must be ensured that these cookies ún only be used if all the purposes they group together are accepted (if acceptance is required) or that ún only the cookie accepted by the user will be used.
The legal obligations imposed by the LSSI are two:
• the obligation of transparency or the following information must be provided to users:
generic cookie definition and function
the type of cookies that are used and their purpose
how to accept, refuse, revoke consent or delete cookies
where applicable, transfers of data to third countries
where applicable, the logic used for automated decision-making with legal effects for users or which significantly affect them, as well as the importance and expected consequences of such processing for the user
preservation period
this information regarding the processing of personal data
o this information must be provided:
in a concise, transparent and intelligible manner, using clear and plain language, and easily accessible
• first layer: Through a cookie banner (this banner must be inserted in a clearly visible location) that includes links to the Cookie Policy and the Settings Panel, in addition to:
or identification of the responsible party
o type of cookies and their purposes
o owner of the cookies (own or third party)
or in the case of behavioural advertising and profiling, the
type of data to be collected or how the user can accept, configure or reject the cookies or if applicable, a warning that, if you take a certain clear affirmative action, you agree to the use of the cookies.
• second layer: the Cookie Policy and the Settings Panel, which should be linked in the cookie banner and should be permanently available on the website or application (e.g., in the footer of the website).
• the obligation to obtain consent:
or after having duly informed (informed consent), or may use different formulas such as:
by clicking on a button stating “I consent” or “I accept” or other similar terms
or through a clear affirmative action. • The mere fact of remaining viewing the screen, make
scrolling or browsing the website shall not be considered a clear affirmative action under any circumstances.
o As a general rule, provided that consent has been obtained in a valid manner, it will not be necessary to obtain it each time a user revisits the same web page from which the service is provided. In any case, if the purposes of use of cookies or third parties that make use of cookies change after consent have been obtained, it will be necessary to update the Cookie Policy and allow users to make a new decision.
o Users shall be able to withdraw the consent previously granted at any time. To this end, the Cookie Policy should provide users with information on how they can withdraw consent and delete cookies. The user should be able to revoke consent easily. The system offered to withdraw consent should be as easy as the one used when consent was given. Such ease is considered to exist, for example, when the user has easy and permanent access to the cookie settings panel.
o Access to services and functionalities should not be conditional on the user's acceptance of the use of cookies. You may not use "cookie walls" that do not offer an alternative to consent, mainly in those cases in which the refusal of access to the website prevents the exercise of a legally recognized right of the user. There may be certain cases in which the non-acceptance of the use of cookies prevents access to the website or the total or partial use of the service, provided that the user is properly informed about it and is offered alternative access to the service without accepting the use of cookies.
Types of cookies
In the document “Cookie Policy” cookies are described according to:
The entity that manages them (“owner of the cookies”): or Own
o Third parties
Your purpose (“use of cookies):
o Técnicas – are not subject to the obligations of art. 22 LSSI, i.e. they do not require the informed consent of the user or of preferences or personalization– require informed consent unless it is the user himself who chooses those characteristics (for example, if he selects the language of a website by clicking on the icon of the flag of the corresponding country).
or Aálysismeón–require informed consent
or Corporate advertising–require informed consent
• The length of time they remain activated (“cookie retention time”) – it is recommended that the period should not exceed 24 months
o Deseión
o Persistent – it is recommended to use this type of cookies ún only if it is essential and, in this case, its temporary duration should be reduced to the minimum necessary according to the purpose of its use. The expiration of the cookie must be related to its purpose and it is more likely that session cookies are considered to be exempt from the obligations of art. 22 LSSI than persistent cookies.
The owner of the website, application or platform should review this Cookie Policy, as well as the Settings Panel, and leave only those cookies that are used.
Specific treatments
Although it is not usual, in case of data processing of minors, sensitive data (such as health, sex life, religion, etc.), international transfers, etc. ), international transfers of data or profiling with automated decision making that may legally or significantly affect users, explicit consent must be obtained; cito de los usuarios o representantes legales y estos tratamientos deberá n deberá n quedar reflejados y bien definidos en el Banner de Cookies, en la Polí tica de Cookies, en el Panel de Configuració n n y en la Polí tica de Privacidad.
Recommendation by Alaro Avant
Following the publication of the AEPD Guide on the use of cookies in November 2019, Alaro Avant proceeded to advise its customers on how they should manage and configure the cookies used on their websites. In most cases, Alaro Avant offered two options, both of which were valid according to the November 2019 Guide:
- Option 1 – in which the following information will be included in the Cookie Banner:
“We understand that you accept the use of cookies in case you continue browsing”.
- Option 2 – in which the Cookies Banner includes the “Accept Cookies” and “Reject Cookies” buttons.
Currently, with the update by the AEPD of its Guide on the use of cookies in July 2020, Alaro Avant recommends customers who opted for the first option to modify both the content of the banner and the content of the banner; Alaro Avant recommends customers who opted for the first option to modify both the content of the banner and the way to configure the cookies used on its website so that they are not activated/installed when the user "continues to browse" the website.
We strongly recommend that the user of the website can accept or reject cookies from the Cookies Banner itself and that the Settings Panel appears in the footer or in a visible place on each of the pages of the website.
Another option could be that the user can Accept Cookies from the Cookies Banner and has to reject them by entering the Settings Panel.
In any case, as we have indicated above, cookies should not be activated/installed until the user Accepts or Rejects them and the Settings Panel should appear in the footer or in a visible place on each of the pages of the website.
Cookie policy1. A cookie is a small file that is stored on a user's computer, mobile phone or tablet when accessing certain web pages, applications or platforms that allow them to recognize their users.
Cookies are currently essential to the functioning of the Internet, providing countless advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating navigation and usability.
Cookies help tailor websites, applications or platforms to your personal needs.
Cookies cannot harm your computer. Instead, having them enabled can help identify and resolve errors and improve user navigability.
Cookies allow, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a user's browsing preferences or equipment.
This website, application or platform uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. In general, these technologies may serve a variety of purposes, such as recognizing you as a user, obtaining information about your browsing habits, or customizing the way content is displayed.
The specific uses we make of these technologies are described below.
2. What cookies do we use?
At www.symphonytours. com we use cookies, logs, links and other technologies to store user preferences in order to improve the quality of our services, ensure the technical operation of both the portal, application or platform and the transactions made, measure the audience of the website and develop new and improved features, products and services offered.
Owner of the cookies:
We use our own cookies that we send to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by us and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
We use third-party cookies (for example, cookies from Facebook, Google, Twitter...) used by external companies, social networks or external content plugins (such as for example, Google Maps). They are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a computer or domain of a third party entity that processes the data obtained through cookies. Use of cookies:
We use technical cookies that are strictly necessary for the user to access and browse
Are those that allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, including those that are used to enable the management and operation of the website and enable its functions and services, such as, for example, control traffic and communication between the user and the website, and the use of the different options or services that exist in it, including those that are used to enable the management and operation of the website and enable its functions and services, such as, for example, control traffic and communication between the user and the website; For example, to control the traffic and communication of data, identify the session, access restricted areas, remember the elements that make up an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, manage the payment, control the fraud linked to the security of the service, carry out the request for registration or participation in the service; n or participation in an event, count visits for the purpose of billing licenses for the software with which the service operates (website, platform or application), use security elements while browsing, store content for the dissemination of information about the service; The user may also be required to: store content for video or sound broadcasting, enable dynamic content (for example, animated loading of a text or image) or share content through social networks.
Also belonging to this category, due to their technical nature, are those cookies that allow the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, as a further element of design or layout of the service offered to the user, the publisher offers to the user, the publisher will use to manage, in the most effective way possible, the advertising spaces that, as a further element of design or layout of the service offered to the user, the publisher offers to the user; of the service offered to the user, the publisher has included in a web page, application or platform based on criteria such as the edited content, without collecting information from users for other purposes, such as customizing that advertising content or other content.
These cookies do not require the user's informed consent.
These cookies do not require the user's informed consent.
We use preference or personalization cookies, which are those that, processed by us or by third parties, allow us to remember information so that the user accesses the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users.
For example, the language, the number of results to display when the user performs a search, the appearance or content of the service depending on the type of browser through which the user accesses the service or the region from which the user accesses the service, etc.
We use analytics or measurement cookies, which are those that, processed by us or by third parties, allow us to track and analyze the behaviour of users of the websites to which they are linked, including the quantification of the impacts of ads.
The information collected through this type of cookies is used in the measurement of the activity of websites, application or platform, in order to make improvements in the products or services offered based on the analysis of usage data made by users of the service. These cookies require the user's informed consent.
We use behavioural advertising cookies which are those that, treated by us or by third parties, store information on user behaviour obtained through the observation of the user's behaviour; s of the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows us to develop a specific profile of navigation of users to show them advertising based on the same.
These cookies require the informed consent of the user. Cookie retention time:
We use session cookies, which are cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are usually used to store information that is only of interest to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear at the end of the session.
We use persistent cookies which are those in which the data remain stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, and can range from a few minutes to several years.
The portal, application or platform does not exercise control over the websites displayed as a result of your search, links or hits from our directory. These other websites may place their own cookies or solicit personal information from you.
4. How can our users disable cookies in the major browsers?
It is usually possible to stop accepting browser cookies or to stop accepting cookies from a particular service.
All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings are usually found in the ‘options’ or ‘Preferences’ of the menu’ of your browser.
Although it may vary slightly from one browser version to another, the cookie policy settings for the most commonly used browsers are as follows:
Internet Explorer: Tools -&> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings -
Firefox: Preferences -> Privacy and Security
Chrome: Preferences -> Settings -> Show advanced options ->
Chrome: Preferences -> Settings -> Show advanced options ->
Safari: Preferences -&>Privacy.
Opera: Settings -> Privacy and security.
For more information, you can consult your browser's support or help or through the following links: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Opera.
Many browsers allow you to activate a private mode whereby cookies are always deleted after your visit. Depending on the browser, this private mode may have different names. Below, you will find a list of the most common browsers and the different names of this "private mode":
Internet Explorer 8 and above - Private Browsing
Safari 2 and above - Private BrowsingOpera 10.5 and above - Private Browsing
Firefox 3.5 and higher - Private Browsing
Google Chrome 10 and higher – Incógnbsp;5. How can I disable third-party cookies?
Please note that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from your browser options or from the system provided by the third party itself.
If you wish to know the conditions of privacy and use of third-party cookies, you can access the cookie policies of:
6. In case the user does not allow the installation of cookies in your browser you may not be able to access some sections of our website.
7. ¿There are international transfers of my data?
According to Articles 44 et seq. of the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), transfers based on an adequacy decision of the European Commission or in case of adequate safeguards by a legal instrument are lawful; The European Commission may provide appropriate guarantees by means of a legally binding and enforceable instrument between public authorities and bodies, or by means of binding corporate rules, or standard clauses adopted or approved by the Commission, or by means of codes of conduct or certification mechanisms. Otherwise, the authorization of the competent supervisory authority or, failing that, the explicit consent of the data subject or another of the cases listed in art. 49 RGPD will be necessary.
We inform you that SYMPHONY TOURS, SL does not perform international transfers of your data or does perform international transfers of your data to ______________, based on (Commission decision of adequacy, standard contractual clauses, etc.), for the purpose of or makes transfers of your personal data to third parties. ), for the purpose or makes international data transfers to, based on the explicit consent that the user gives us in the Cookies Banner, for the purpose __________________.
With regard to third party cookies, you can find out about transfers to third party countries, if any, by the third parties identified in this cookie policy in their respective policies (see the links provided above).
8. ¿My browsing is profiled and automated decisions are made that may legally or significantly affect me?
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ANNEX I: Spam – Technical Guide for sending commercial communications – Spanish
Definition of Spam
Forms of Spam
ANEX II: Spam - Technical guide for sending commercial communications - EU and third countries
The spam
problem.Summary of the rules relating to unsolicited
Summary of the rules relating to unsolicited
Compliance with the provisions
Other provisions applicable to spam
ANNEX III: Recommendations for e-communication ANNEX IV: Recommendations for e-procurement ANNEX V: Text of the
Annex III: Recommendations for e-communication ANNEX IV: Recommendations for e-procurement ANNEX IV: Recommendations for e-procurement
ANNEX I: Spam – Technical guide for sending commercial communications – Spanish regulations
AI.1. Definition of Spam:
AI.1. Spam or “junk mail” is any type of unsolicited communication made by electronic means
Spam is understood as any unsolicited message that is normally intended to offer, market or try to arouse interest in a product, service or company. Although it can be done in different ways, the most widely used among the general public is by e-mail.
This conduct is particularly serious when done on a mass scale.
The sending of commercial messages without prior consent is prohibited by the Spanish legislation, both by Law 34 of the Spanish Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the Spanish Law on the Protection of Personal Data; ola, both by Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services (as a result of the transposition of Directive 31/2000/EC) and by the RGPD
The low cost of sending via the Internet (by e-mail) or by mobile phone (SMS and MMS), its possible anonymity, the speed with which it reaches the recipients and the possibilities in the volume of transmissions, have allowed this practice to be carried out in an abusive and indiscriminate manner.
The Law of Services of the Information Society, in its article 21.1 expressly prohibits the sending of advertising or promotional communications by e-mail or other equivalent means of electronic communication that have not been previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients thereof. In other words, communications aimed at the direct or indirect promotion of the goods and services of a company, organization or person carrying out a commercial, industrial, artisan or professional activity are disallowed, although this prohibition finds an exception in the second paragraph of the article, which authorizes the sending when there is a prior contractual relationship and when it refers to similar products. Thus, the sending of unsolicited commercial communications may constitute a minor or serious infringement of the LSSI.
In addition to being an infringement of the Law on Information Society Services, the practice of spamming can mean a violation of the right to privacy and the right to privacy; the practice of Spam can mean a violation of the right to privacy and the breach of the legislation on data protection since it must be taken into account that the e-mail address can be considered as personal data.The Directive on Privacy in Telecommunications of 12 July 2002 (Directive 58/2002/EC), currently transposed in the General Telecommunications Law 32/2003, which amends several articles of Law 34/2002, introduces a number of new provisions; The European Union as a whole introduced the principle of "opt-in", i.e. the prior consent of the individual to send e-mail for commercial purposes. Thus, any sending for advertising purposes is subject to the provision of consent, unless there is a prior contractual relationship and the subject does not express its will against it.
AI.2. Forms of Spam:
Due to the ease, speed and capacity of data transmissions, receiving commercial communications through this information society service is the most common, and the means by which spammers send the most unwanted advertising.
- Pop up spam
This is an unsolicited message that pops up when we connect to the Internet. It appears in the form of a Windows system dialogue and warning window entitled "message display service". Its content varies, but it is usually an advertising message.
This uses a feature of the Windows operating system, available on Windows NT4, 2000, and XP versions, which allows a network administrator to send messages to other workstations on the network. The simplest solution to avoid these pop-ups is to disable this Windows service. Another method is to use a firewall to filter TCP and UDP ports (135, 137,138, 139 and 445) on your computer, but this may stop the network from working.
- Phishing
It is not exactly a form of Spam, but rather a social engineering technique to fraudulently collect data. Phishing is the duplication of a web page to make the visitor believe that he/she is on the original page instead of the illicit one. It is often used for criminal purposes by duplicating bank web pages and sending indiscriminate spam emails to access this page in order to update bank login details, such as passwords, expiration dates, etc.
- Hoax
The hoax is an e-mail message containing false or misleading content and usually distributed in a chain.
Some hoaxes report viruses, others invoke solidarity, or contain formulas to win millions or create lucky chains.
The hoaxer's goals are usually to capture email addresses or saturate the network or mail servers.
- Scam
The Scam is not a commercial communication. This type of unwanted communication involves fraud by telematic means, either via mobile phone or email.
- Spam on the móvil
In addition to communications from the telephone operator by means of text messages (SMS- Short Message Services), or multimedia messages (MMS- Multimedia Message Services), there are other types of advertising communications in which there is no prior consent or contractual relationship, so they are considered unsolicited commercial communications.
These types of communications are time-consuming and costly. In addition, MMS can introduce viruses and maliciously exploit a vulnerability in the phone's internal systems.
- Unsolicited commercial fax communications or calls without human intervention
. Although this type of mailings is not considered in principle as Spam, they are also punishable by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, applying the same fines that the law establishes for Spam.
AI.3. Legislation:
The laws that regulate the unsolicited sending of electronic commercial communications are, on the one hand, Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and, on the other hand, Law 32/2003 General Telecommunications Law. Law 32/2003, of November 3, 2003, General Telecommunications Law (LGT), and Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), grant powers to the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos). The General Telecommunications Law grants the Agency the protection of the rights and guarantees of subscribers and users in the field of electronic communications, delegating to it the imposition of penalties for violations in the provision of electronic communications services.
On the other hand, the aforementioned Law on Information Society Services establishes that the AEPD is responsible for imposing sanctions in the case of infringement for the forwarding of unsolicited commercial communications carried out by the company; n of unsolicited commercial communications made through e-mail or equivalent means of electronic communication, without complying with the provisions stipulated in its articles.
-Articles relating to the sending of electronic communications in the LSSI.
Articles relating to the sending of unsolicited communications over the Internet are as follows: 19, 20, 21, 22, 38 and 43.
- Articles of the GDPR.
The relevant articles in the GDPR are the following: 4(1), 5, 6, 6, 7, 13, 13, 57 and 84
- Articles of the General Telecommunications Law.
Articles 38, 53.z, 54.r, 58.b and Ninth Additional Provision of Law 32/2003.
Other legal texts of interest. Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market (Directive on electronic commerce). - Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications).
-Article 29 Group Documents- Opinion 7/2000 on the European Commission proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector of 12 July 2000 COM (2000) 385. Adopted on 2 November 2000 (WP 36).
- Opinion 5/2004 on unsolicited communications for direct marketing purposes under Article 13 of Directive 2002/58/EC. Adopted on February 27, 2004 (WP 90).
ANNEX II: Spam – Technical Guide for sending commercial communications – EU and third countries
AII.1. Introduction
Unsolicited commercial email communications, also known as spam, have reached disturbing proportions.
No one doubts that the e-mailing of unsolicited commercial communications, also known as spam, is one of the most serious problems facing the Internet today. It is a phenomenon that has reached disturbing proportions and could induce current users of e-mail or SMS to stop using the e-mail service, which is one of the Internet's most popular applications, or mobile services, or to use them in a more restricted way.
While there is consensus on the need to act before the proliferation of spam counteracts the benefits that email and other electronic services bring to businesses and individuals, it is not easy to determine how best to combat it. More importantly, there are no miracle remedies. Only if all stakeholders, from the Member States and competent authorities to consumers and users of the Internet and electronic communications, as well as businesses, play their part, can the proliferation of spam be effectively curbed.
The international dimension is certainly crucial, given that a considerable volume of spam seems to come from outside the European Union, and in particular from North America.
AII.2. The spam
problem. The term is more often used than defined. Simply put, this term is often used to mean the sending, often in bulk, of unsolicited electronic messages. The new Directive does not define or use the term spamming. It resorts to the concepts of unsolicited communications» transmitted by «electronic mail» «for the purpose of direct marketing» which, together, in fact, cover most types of spam. The concept of spam is thus used in this Communication as synonymous with «unsolicited commercial e-mail».
It should be noted that the concept of "email" covers not only traditional email messages using the SMTP protocol, but also SMS, MMS and MMS, as well as SMS, MMS, and MMS; It also covers SMS, MMS and any form of electronic communication that does not require the simultaneous participation of the sender and the recipient.
The spam has reached disturbing proportions. Although statistics vary, it is generally considered that more than 50% of planetary-scale e-mail traffic is made up of spam.
The spam has reached disturbing proportions.
From the individual's point of view, spam represents an intrusion into his or her privacy. This consideration presides over the new rules on unsolicited communications described in the following section. In addition, spam is often misleading or deceptive. A considerable proportion of spam appears to be intended to defraud consumers through misleading or deceptive claims, and unfortunately, too many consumers respond to this type of spam. Pornographic messages can also be disturbing. Cleaning electronic mailboxes take time and incur costs for the user if he/she is forced to purchase filtering software or other software.
It has reached the point where spam also generates considerable costs for companies. Firstly, direct costs: staff are forced to clean out inboxes, which reduces their work performance and productivity, IT departments spend time and money trying to solve the problem, ISPs and ESPs have to buy more bandwidth and storage capacity for unwanted e-mails. There is also a risk that the spam will put the liability of the receiving entity at stake (e.g., harmful content on an employee's PC), or that it will simply –inadvertently– forward it (e.g., erroneous blacklisting or reputational damage). There are also indirect costs: some legitimate commercial or professional e-mails are not received due to current spam filtering techniques (so-called false positives) or are simply not read because of their association with spam.
spam is increasingly being used as a vehicle for spreading viruses, which can be very costly for businesses.
It is not easy to calculate the cost of spam, especially for individuals, not least because it is difficult to assign a monetary value to some of the damages suffered. Nevertheless, the estimates are disturbing. In 2002, for example, spam cost European companies 2.5 billion euros in productivity losses alone. And, as noted above, the volume of spam has increased considerably over 2002. In June 2003, software provider MessageLabs Ltd assessed the cost of spam to UK businesses at approximately £3.2 billion10. Spam may also have different consequences in different sectors. The legal sector, for example, maybe particularly affected due to the confidential and sensitive information it handles.
One of the most disturbing consequences of spam is that it undermines user trust, a prerequisite for the success of e-commerce and the information society as a whole. If the idea spreads that a sales channel is being used by fraudsters, the consequences for the reputation of legitimate operators in the same sector can be serious. Recent figures for the United States, whose spam experience is more extensive than that of the EU, confirm that many users lose confidence in e-mail due to the large amounts of spam they receive.
More generally, the Internet and other means of electronic communications – broadband or wireless access– are expected to be a key determinant of productivity growth in modern economies. However, in the absence of adequate security measures, some interesting features of these services – permanent connection, wireless access – can significantly increase the volume of spam received or retransmitted. Thus, the growth of these services could lead to a counterproductive increase in spam if effective measures are not quickly implemented.
AII.3. Summary of the rules on unsolicited commercial communications
AII.3. The Directive 2002/58/EC on privacy and electronic communications requires Member States to prohibit the sending of unsolicited commercial messages by email or another electronic messaging service such as SMS or MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) unless prior consent has been obtained from the subscriber to these electronic communications services. This is the prior consent system, which was previously only applicable to faxes and automatic calling devices.
The new regime includes three fundamental rules:
Rule n° 1: The sending of electronic messages for commercial purposes is subject to the prior consent of subscribers. A limited exception is provided for e-mail (or SMS) messages sent by a company to existing customers and referring to similar services or products. This regime applies to subscribers who are natural persons, but the Member States may extend it to legal persons.
Rule n° 2: It is unlawful to disguise or conceal the identity of the sender on whose behalf the communication is made.
Rule n° 3: All electronic messages must mention a valid reply-to address where the subscriber can request that no further messages be sent to him/her.
However, not all unsolicited electronic messages are prohibited. An exception to this rule is provided for when the electronic data for the sending of e-mail or SMS has been obtained in the context of a sale. This is sometimes referred to as "soft prior consent". Within the framework of the existing supplier-customer relationship, the company that obtained a customer's data may use it for the purpose of marketing products or services similar to those it has already sold to the customer. This exception has been harmonized at the Community level, and the Member States have no choice but to apply it. However, it must be formulated strictly so as not to compromise the functioning of the opt-in regime. However, even in this case, the company must clearly indicate, from the moment it first obtains the data, that they may be used for direct marketing purposes (and, where appropriate, that they may be passed on to third parties for this purpose) and offer the consumer the possibility of objecting "free of charge and in a simple manner". In addition, each subsequent commercial message must offer the consumer a simple and free means of stopping the sending of further messages (opt-out regime).
The opt-in regime is mandatory for any e-mail or SMS sent to a natural person for the purpose of direct marketing. Member States may extend the opt-in regime to communications addressed to companies (legal persons). Member States that have adopted an opt-out regime for business-to-business marketing, including an opt-out registration system, may retain it. The application of a differentiated regime depending on the nature of the subscriber to an e-mail service may create difficulties for the sender of messages to distinguish legal entities from natural persons.
For all categories of recipients (natural and legal persons), the Directive prohibits the sending of direct marketing messages that conceal or disguise the identity of the sender. The messages must also mention a valid address to which the recipient can send a request to stop such communications.
AII.4. Compliance with the provisions
The provisions of the «general» Data Protection Directive relating to judicial remedies, liability and penalties apply to the provisions of the ePrivacy Directive, including those relating to unsolicited communications.In short, Member States must ensure that, in case of infringement, remedies and sanctions are available. Any violation of the rights guaranteed by national legislation must be accompanied by the individual's right to a judicial remedy. Although this judicial remedy should be without prejudice to possible administrative procedures (which may be prior), there is no harmonized requirement with respect to these. Any harm suffered as a result of processing or an unlawful act must be accompanied by an individual right to compensation. Penalties should be provided in the event of infringement, in order to ensure full implementation of the Directive.
Thus, while a Directive, by its very nature, grants the Member States some leeway in the choice of the measures they adopt for its implementation –including remedies and penalties–, the measures themselvesí are indispensable to ensure the «full applicationón» of the provisions relating to unsolicited commercial communications.
As with any Directive, it is primarily up to the Member States, not the Commission, to enforce the provisions. For example, it is not for the Commission to prosecute or impose fines on those who violate the rights and obligations provided for in the Directive.
AII.5. Other provisions applicable to spam
. A practice often linked to is the «collectionónón» of e-mail addresses, i.e., the automatic collection of personal data in public places on the Internet, e.g., the web, chat rooms, etc. This practice is unlawful under the «general&quo; Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC, whether or not it is carried out automatically with the help of a computer program.
The spam fraudulent and misleading
The spam bullshit can be especially nasty. These practices are already illegal under existing EU rules on misleading and unfair commercial practices (e.g., Directive 84/450/EEC on misleading advertising). Generally, national laws also provide for more severe sanctions in the most serious cases, including criminal sanctions. Certain types of spam may still be more disturbing, especially pornographic or gratuitous violence, in particular when it may reach children.
Although the content of some of these messages may be harmful, but not illegal, their indiscriminate distribution to children and adults is often illegal under domestic law, sometimes with severe penalties. It may happen that spam messages also contain illegal content, such as incitement to hatred on grounds of race, sex, religion or nationality. In any case, as soon as these messages pursue a direct marketing objective –as is often the case– they are affected by the spam ban, just like other categories of unsolicited e-mail.
It is also necessary to refer to the requirement, provided for in Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce in the internal market (Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular, electronic commerce), that the electronic commerce sector in the internal market (Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular, electronic commerce in the internal market (Directive 2000/31/EC on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular, electronic commerce in the internal market), must be subject to the same requirements as those laid down in Directive 2000/31/EC; (e-commerce Directive), that commercial communications must be clearly identifiable as such (Article 6(a) of the e-commerce Directive).
In addition, activities such as hacking or spoofing are often perpetrated to facilitate spam, in order to send it or to access address databases or computers. A large part of these activities will be covered by the Framework Decision on attacks against information systems, which provides for criminal sanctions. In many Member States, illegal access to or misuse of a server or personal computer is a criminal offense.
SYMPHONY TOURS, SL (B78700176), with address at PASEO DE LAS DELICIAS, 20 - 2C 28045 MADRID, is the owner of the website, and as such, informs you that to make use of the services offered is necessary to provide certain personal data. SYMPHONY TOURS, SL will act in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and, in particular, in accordance with the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD) and the Law on Information Society Services (LSSI), with regard to maintaining the confidentiality and processing of personal data provided voluntarily by users of this website.
Consent and authorization to the processing of your personal data
We inform you that the personal data obtained through the data collection forms of will be processed by SYMPHONY TOURS, SL in order to manage your request and the maintenance of professional and commercial relations with you, as well as to maintain an informative and promotional link with you, so you can receive, by different means (telephone, SMS, mails) communications about offers, products and services that may be of interest to you if you have given us your prior consent.
Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties unless required by law or by competent authorities.
The basis that legitimizes the processing of your data is your consent given by voluntarily completing the corresponding form with your personal data and accepting this Privacy Policy and/or by checking the box to accept to receive commercial communications. Your data will be kept until you revoke your consent or object to the processing of your data for this purpose.
SYMPHONY TOURS, SL informs you that under no circumstances are you obliged to provide us with your personal data and that these are adequate, relevant and strictly necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they are collected, however, these are essential to respond to your request or to provide you with the services offered If you have contacted us via email, we inform you that the personal data you have provided will be processed by SYMPHONY TOURS, SL in order to manage and maintain the professional relationships that bind us with you. In order to carry out this management, it is possible that your data may be communicated to public entities and administrations necessary for the performance of such management. This data processing is necessary to maintain this professional relationship. Likewise, we inform you that your data will be kept as long as these relationships are maintained and the deadlines set by the tax legislation or during the periods established to meet possible claims.
If you have sent us your resume to the postal or electronic addresses of SYMPHONY TOURS, SL or you have provided it to us through third-party job boards (Linkedin, Infojobs, Universities or Schools), we inform you that your data will be processed by SYMPHONY TOURS, SL for the management of its recruitment processes for vacant positions in the company. Your data will not be disclosed to third parties. This data processing is necessary to fulfil your job application and is based on the consent you give us by sending us your resume. Your data will be kept only if there is an open selection process and, in this case, until the end of the process.
Data protection rights of the data subject
For the purposes of the provisions of current legislation, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, not to be subject to automated individual decisions, portability and limitation of the processing of your data by contacting the Data Protection Officer of SYMPHONY TOURS, SL, located at C/ PALOS DE LA FRONTERA, 32 -1o A; 28045 MADRID (MADRID), or to the email address attaching a copy of your ID duly proving your identity. You have the right to file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) if you consider your rights have been infringed.
Updating and Cancellation of your data
It is important that in order for us to keep your personal data updated, you inform us whenever there has been any change in them, otherwise, we are not responsible for their veracity. Also, you certify that all the information you provide us is true, valid and relevant for the purpose for which we request it and that you provide it yourself.
Your data will be kept until you revoke your consent or object to the processing of your data for this purpose, without this conditioning other relationships you have with the entity.
Confidentiality and Data Security Guarantee
SYMPHONY TOURS, SL, in response to the trust placed in us and taking into account the importance in terms of protection and confidentiality that your personal data require, informs you that it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, availability, integrity and resilience of its systems and processing services. However, the user must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.
The present privacy policy has been updated on June 21, 2021. SYMPHONY TOURS, SL reserves the right to modify its data protection policy in the event that there is a change in current legislation, jurisprudential doctrine or business criteria. If any change is introduced in this policy, the new text will be published at this same address.
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Our organization will provide precise, reliable and most price-worthy quotations at any time of the year.
Many years of experience have shown us how to deal and solve difficulties on unforseen events and accomplish tours for large groups as well as for individual arrangements.
The importance of our worldwide air travel movements has led us to acquire great professionalism and experience in the arrangement of transport for groups of any magnitude, allowing us at the same time to access to the best quotations of fares and conditions offered by the air carriers of different markets.
These advantages have allowed us to specialize in the provision of air travel at THE LOWEST TARIFFS, for students from and to Spain, as well as for students travelling between any two countries in the world.
Language Study Institutes in Spain and other countries including Touristic Educational Travel Organizations, entrust us year after year, to provide them with air transport facilities required for the travel of their students, to the different educational centers or to the starting points of their educational tours, including the respective returns to origins.
Symphony Tours is a licensed Travel and Services Organization established in Spain since 1991, with a Worldwide Coverage of Activities.
We are highly specialized in the organization of tours for Musicians, Large Classical Orchestras, Ballets, Opera Companies, and others, as well as in taking these groups, whatever size, from any origin to any destination in the world.
We also master the field of air transport facilities for students, providing services from and to Spain as well as between any two countries worldwide.
Our organization is managed by experienced travel industry University Graduates and our staff is highly professional and well trained to handle such delicate and demanding tasks.